I like simplicity. Through the years I have gone from being an antique collector, rooms filled with many things, to being a minimalist who prefers empty space with room to move and 'just be'. It is strange how you can be so many different things and yet be the same person. I guess, in essence, we are not the same. Each moment in time we are changing and adapting to this space that we call existence. We are truly 'all things' and yet none.
I find that people in general can be quite oblivious to the consequences of their actions. Yes, it can be quite overwhelming when you actually 'see' how everything in this world connects and affects each other, but understanding this oneness is truly what life is about. We can not hope to grow, actually make anything with this learning experience if we do not accept this and begin to see that it is not just about ourselves, it is about how we manage to make things beautiful between ourselves and everything around us. I think it takes more than one individual to actually make this world the place of magic it once was but change starts when we begin to 'see' what we are doing. I only wish more of us would at least take the first step in the right direction and stop waiting for others to change things for them. We are all part of this story and this is where the big picture comes in . . . we may interact with one another all the time but we must not expect others to make our world, to do the big things for us because our world is 'within'. It is really quite spectacularly inside of you and you are the only one responsible for it.
I know, . . . heavy thoughts as I sit in bed at 3 a.m. and write this blog. This is the time when the world is quiet and I can let my inner self come out and be free. When I don't have influence from outside of myself, I can truly be 'me'.
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